Monday, September 15, 2008

Raw Spirit - Part Uno

Hiya Rawsome Cowgirls/dudes!

Brian and I just got back from four days at the magical Raw Spirit Festival! Holy Guacamole was it SWEEEET. Picture this: The Age of Aquarius meets Cacao in the middle of an energetic power vortex known as Sedona, Arizona. From sun up till sun down we soaked in nature, world famous speakers, amazing raw cuisine and lots of shopping! Mama was in heaven-ola. I spoke on the mainstage Saturday morning and wow was I nervous. This lady is used to chatting at hospitals, medical centers and corporations that serve hot doggies for lunch. RS was a completely different crowd. Since I never "preached to the choir" I wasn't sure what the heck to say. Raw foodies are generally an educated bunch but somehow I was able to barf out some thought provoking sparkle (I think). Anyway, I'll tell you more about it in detail tomorrow, I'm wicked behind on my work so I gotta dive in. YUCK! More blab tomorrow, promise

Also, I have 2 signings this week. One tomorrow at the B&N in Stamford, CT (6-8 pm 100 Grey Rock Place) the other on Wednesday night from 7:30-9pm at the B&N in downtown NYC (6th ave and 8th street in the West village). Hope you can come!

AND are you ready for the second NYC Posse Meetup? Join me and the CSL Team at the Jivamukti Yoga Studio (downtown) on Sunday, September 28th at 12pm! Starting at noon we’ll practice yoga side by side with instructor, Sandhi Ferreira. Then we’ll have lunch in the Jivamukti Café! The Jivamukti chefs are whipping up a special Crazy Sexy Alkalizing Salad and a delicious Raw Cacao Mousse for dessert. Catch up with new and old friends, trade recipes and tips, and ask me questions during the Q & A session. We’ll also have a raffle and book signing! Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 17th.

Email: (indicate if you will be coming for yoga and lunch or only lunch)

Jivamukti Yoga Studio (Downtown)
841 Broadway , 2nd floor
New York, NY 10003

Date: Sunday, September 28th
Time: Noon (If only coming only for lunch, 1pm)
Cost: $40 (Yoga Class, yoga mat, and lunch: salad and dessert) or $17 (for only lunch)

Peace and see ya soon!


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