I am so excited to announce that our sparkly new blog/website and forum face lift is finally here! Crazysexylife.com is packed with goodies, including a goddess-filled Blog Posse, tons of enriching resources, rockin' videos, tips on going green and becoming a Veggie Vixen, and much MORE!
For moi, this launch signifies my shift from a Cancer Cowgirl to a "Prevention is HOT" cheerleader. The Crazy Sexy Cancer world has evolved into Crazy Sexy LIFE, where we can ALL learn, gab, and laugh together. There's no better time to devote my holistic-love-fire to a wider audience of health seekers. The blog is the center of this new world and it is going to be more active than ever!
If you are a "follower" of my blog, please be sure to update your blog roll, Google reader, rss feed, and other techno fancy stuff with our new blog feed: http://crazysexylife.com/category/blog/feed/.
Goodbye Blogger. Thanks for the memories. Hello NEW blog!
Come visit...Make it your home page...Have fun!
Peace & veggies,
We have a new home! Crazy Sexy Life!
Friday, January 30, 2009
We have a new home! Crazy Sexy Life!
crazy sexy life,
new website
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