Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Crazy Sexy Airs on TLC tonight!

Just a little reminder...this is probably your last chance to see the show before it's out on DVD next year. So if you're around and in a crazy sexy survivor mood, check it out. TLC will be showing it at 8 & 11 pm. Enjoy!


PS. I figured out how to post pix! Look out. These were taken by my cool pal George Lange when I visited him a few weeks ago. Just goofing around and poking fun at the little c.


shushushan said...

YEAH!! I can't wait! Kris, thanks for being you. :)
xoxo, Shannon

Anonymous said...

Can't wait ... I'm crazy about you these days!

Michelle said...

Your gorgeous Kris...i love that tshirt! I decided on the Breville juice fountain compact BJE200XL. Cannot wait to start juicing!!! Everything green!! I love you, be well!!

robotslingshot said...

I just discovered your site and story, which is really moving. I heard your interview at We Like it Raw, and really appreciate the way you approach raw foods. I am a raw food chef, but have taken a step back from it to write and work in the peace of my own kitchen because it was at times too intense for me. I would love to promote your work on my blog, would you be willing to guest-post one of your favorite recipes?


bav said...


Do you eat/juice any root vegetables? I know Hippocrates is not crazy about them b/c of sugar content, but am wondering about your opinion?


cancer cowgirl xo said...

Bav - I don't juice them regularly, sometimes carrot (1 max) in juice. Beet - I just don't like but it is good for the bowel. There ya have it girrrl.

Hi paula! Welcome and I will definitely post a recipe, I need to post some here too!

xo all...

Psychomom said...

I'll be watchng. Love the T, Very Crazy and Sexy!

Unknown said...

Hi Kris....
Just saw the episode of Oprah I had recorded with you and Randy Pausch. I can honestly say it has changed my life- and the way I will live the rest of it! I will be recording you tonight on TLC and watching with my 20-something daughters!
Thanks to you, I am gonna drag the juicer back out :)
You are awesome- I admire you so much...
Blessings to you!

dale said...

kris.. you are such an inspiration. i have just been diagnosted and if i didn't see your doc.. i would have lost my mind. you have taught me so much in such a short time... i am a groupie... most important.. everyday i give to "c"... is one less day i have more "me"...
love you

BaldyLocks said...

I saw your juicer on Oprah and when I was out yesterday I had a little breakfast place make me an orange and carrot juice.

I'm going to go out and get a juicer now because it was so good.

I love your new pictures.

DY said...

Kris, what green drink powder do you like? I have tried a few.. not too tasty. Juicing green is good to go, want some green water too!
love ya

Kitty said...

Hi Kris,
You have a magical aura and I cannot wait to see your movie tonight. Your message has been such an inspiration. My mother was diagnosed with Stage III Sarcoma two years ago and your website and book have been such a comfort and place of healing for us. Love you and all you do!!
Katrina - Chi-town

Basic Me said...

cannot wait to see crazy sexy I wrote you last night on the email in the back of the book now I have read it three times and bought my sea salt and juicer and I am on my way.. oh I set up the f*(&((*&&& scan too... but ok... life is for the living...I am taking back my life. Hope you got the email it is important. Good luck have booked two speaking engagements since last night. Karmis attitude adjustment.

Basic Me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina said...

I can't wait to watch your show tonight. I just bought your book and its wonderful! I was diagnosed February 2, 2007 with breast cancer and I am now finished with chemo and surgery. Here is my story

My mind is still spinning from the past 9 months. I was wondering what I could do to get healthy and keep this nasty disease from coming back and you have given me some direction. Thank you!

oops sorry about the delete. My link didn't was cut off.

Alison said...

Can't wait to see it again tonight- this time with the husband. I think he can benefit just as much I did from it. I also received your book today and I can't put it down! I heart it! :) This is totally what I needed a year and a half ago when I was diagnosed with a rare canSer. You ROCK my socks girl!

susanljj said...

You have been such an inspiration to so many. I love the documentary. After life saving BRAIN surgery, 2 major car accidents leaving it difficult for me to walk, and several other more minor "fender benders" on myself, I am now humbled by your story and feeling sorry for myself is not possible any more! Your attitude and beautiful self will shine the way to healing. You keep fighting and we will keep praying!

Jason Michael said...

Beautiful documentary (watching it now - it made a grown man cry, but eh, always happens to me cried at Bambi). Keep up the good work! That book might help me with Crohns...

SallyMaeWheezer said...

I just wanted to let you know that your story has deeply impacted my life. I have seen the documentary twice now and I feel as though I cannot watch it enough. Each time, I find something new that I had not thought of before. It has helped me to understand and cope with my own struggle with cancer. Thank you for sharing your story and allowing us to join you on your journey.

Nicole said...

I think you are perhaps my new favorite person. Cancer is a disease that runs through both sides of my family and you've shown me to look at it in a whole new way. You're inspiring, brave, amazing and wonderful. Thank you for being you. I can't wait to see what you do next.

Cynthia said...

I just finished watching the documentary on TLC. I only have one word....

juls said...

I watched the doc again- and it never fails to let me down! I am filled with hope and inspiration- thank you :)

Hollis said...

awe...what a beautiful bride
You are an amazing woman.

Funny, thought provoking,& very moving documentary.

I wish you & yours much happiness & good health.

"cancer chick turn on"
silly girl,
it was the cowboy hat!
Yeehaw! :o)


Luann said...

I stumbled along your movie tonight while looking for something to amuse myself while folding laundry. I have to say it was a wonderful blessed finding. Thank you for sharing your story and the story of others so candidly. Enjoy your married life!

Tina said...

Crazy Sexy Cancer is fantastic! Thank you for documenting your journey and giving so many hope, joy and appreciation for LIFE!

Anonymous said...

Just saw the film and I have to say Thank you. I lost my mom two years ago to breast cancer and I'm trying to understand why her and live without her. Thanks for providing understanding, hope, and every other emotion.

Unknown said...

I never, ever watch TV other than say, maybe SpongeBob with my 6 year old and 2 year old. But today, I happened to stick to my guns and actually surfed to see if anything else existed on TV. And I found your documentary about 3 minutes in. My daughter and I watched the entire thing, riveted. I went through something similar in the past two years, but I have handled it much differently. You may have changed my life...and my children's life. Thank you.

Eco Reading said...

Just finished watching. Beautiful. You will change lives!
I am already thinking differently.

Eco Reading
Cancer Survior 5 years

Rachel said...

I saw you on Oprah the other day and then I saw your show on TLC tonight as I was flipping channels, so I didn't get to watch the whole thing (so I searched your name online). But I have to say that you inspire me. A lot of the reason is because my mother died of pancreatic cancer when I was 9 (so 14 almost 15 years ago) and it is not something easy to deal with. I remember a lot of what she had to go through although I am sure I have forgotten the most horrific experiences because I was just too young. When I watched parts of your show, I like to think of my mom and think that she had a good attitude (or the best she could) about the cancer because it was killing her and leaving her husband and 3 young daughters behind but yet I remember her positive attitude (sometimes were tough though). She used to draw pictures of the cancer and how we all were trying to beat it! Obviously we did not succeed but I know I will see her again and thanks again for your show. Feel free to write if you ever want to talk or just to hear back from ya. I am going to put a your blog link on my blog because you inspire me so. Thanks again! -Rachel

Rachel said...

ps- sorry it is so long

Ela said...

Thanks for sharing your journey, Kris. It was very inspiring to watch.

Jessica B. said...

Kris, My name is Jessica, I am 35 years old and in 2003 I also was diagnosed with Primary Liver Cancer. Mine was also very rare as it was Primary Hepatocellular Carcenoma w/ no pre-existing condition. I had 2 liver resections and then traveled to Hong Kong for a treatment that I read about. I will be 4 years cancer free in January. I would love to share stories with you as I have never met anyone else w/ a similar situation. I also think that my doctor in Hong Kong may be able to help you!

Anonymous said...

Kris, I happened to catch your special on TLC tonight quite by chance. It changed my life. You are one amazing girl. You are so inspiring, it was wonderful to get to know your energy and spirit, and beauty. Be well~ much love and thanks, Lisa from Long Island

Ryan Armbrust said...

Hey Kris,

Love everything you are doing. Love the documentary!

My name is Ryan Armbrust. Last December I was diagnosed with stage IV Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I went through 10 months of chemo, good times, and finally had a clean PET Scan October 1st.

While taking time off from my day job I created an online t-shirt shop,

I have a section that is nothing but off-color cancer shirts and such. There are enough "Feel Good" cancer shirts out there, I wanted to offer something more edgy and hip for the "Hipster" cancer patient. Currently my best seller reads, "Hey Cancer, you picked the wrong Bitch".

I am donating a portion of each sale to different Cancer related charities.

I am not the type of person to sit back and take life as it comes. I figure, if things are out of my control, I am not going to worry, instead, I am going to have fun with it. I hope others do the same.

I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to have my Cancer Shirt Page included on your "Good Stuff" page of your website.

Stay strong and thanks for your consideration,
Ryan Armbrust

Jaki said...

Kris, I was wondering............

I can do the juices - love them, love the green drinks. No problem with either one of those, but HOW do you eat salad, after sald, after salad, after salad? Are you one of those people to whom food was never a big deal in the first place? As someone who loves all the food that is bad for me, it seems overwhelming when I face yet another salad.

Marsha said...

Just saw the documentary. It was awesome. I blog my cancer story at


DY said...

Hey Kris
here is a quote from the peaceful warrior site-it seems appropriate for us "chronic, no cure"canser babes and dudes:
I’m sure you are familiar with the Schopenhauer quote: “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

I hope that alternative ways of being a human with canser get to the "self evident" stage soon... I am already there with you..

Unknown said...

your doc is really beautiful. i admire your courage so much,and the courage of all those women you featured. i wish long, healthy, happy days to you and your family.


Jamie said...


I was at home sick with a cold and caught your story on Oprah. I'm currently (as I type!) watching your documentary on TLC right now.
Thank you for being such a positive person. I have some questions for you but I think I'll probably email them to your website contact email as they are a bit personal (hope that's ok?). Other than that, I was wondering if you've ever read the book "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" (Elaine Gottschall). It's not related to cancer but to intestinal health. If you have ever heard of it I'd love to get your take on it in comparison to your diet.
Also, I noticed some people asking questions about non-toxic hair coloring products. I don't know about the coloring products but one site I like to visit is It has great ideas for products that are made of natural ingredients.
It's so interesting that I've found out about you and your story right now. I've recently been trying to make choices about using products with fewer toxins. I have a LONG way to go (particularly in terms of my eating) but I think I'll get there one small step at a time. I’m even considering saving for a juicer!

Robin said...

I seen you very briefly on Oprah the other day and just caught the doc on TLC this evening. I'm so glad I did. I missed most of the segment on Oprah but have seen the book or those words around so it caught my attention in flipping after work. Then I'm soooo glad I caught the doc tonight on TLC. It was great and eye openning. I laughed and I bawled and laughed and smiled and smiled some more. It was a great two hours. You are on in the background and I leave this comment. All the best too you.


Meghan said...

hey girl - i am watching your doc right now! Glad you are doing great. You are gorgeous! Keep laughing.

danielagott said...

I am 22 years-old and currently working at an oncology unit. I really cannot tell you what a terrific woman you are, I've learn so many things in the show which I can pass on to my patients, thank you so much for sharing your experiences I admire you so much!!!

greengardengirl said...

I am riveted - and at a loss for words. You are inspirational!

lushia said...

WOW!Your documentary tonight was moving,inspirational,and uplifting.I am not a cancer patient myself, however this awful thing has hit my family a few months ago with my stepmother. I have become the best researcher and supporter I can be. Thank you for your efforts, you motivation, your positive attitude, your strength, your humor and your story of hope. I am so glad your hard work has paid off. People like you give me a new appreciation for life. Thank you!

Christina K said...

I'm 36 and have been battling cancer since February. I was originally told I had two different forms of cancer and recently, they told me I also have CLL. Leukemia. THIS SUCKS! Really, I've always been an over-achiever, but this takes the cake. When my doctor confirmed the results and told me the average lifespan I got angry. I told him that I will not EVER discuss lifespans and cancer. I know they feel like they need to cover all bases, but I have hopes and dreams and no disease or doctor will take that away from me.

I'm battling the emotional rollercoaster right now, everytime I look at my children (13 & 4) it hurts so deep inside that I never think the pain will go away.

I heard about you for the first time on Oprah. I sat there crying, but not feeling sorry for myself crying, a relief cry.

I watched your show tonight, crying again (I swear this week I have supported the Kleenex company!) I realized that I need to control more of what is going on with me.

Tomorrow, I am heading to the Fresh Market and to a bookstore. I am taking over the fight and I will win.

You Rock! I cannot tell you thank you enough for being this open about your cancer, you are truly an inspiration.

Thank you so much! I wish I could give you a huge hug right now!

yo said...

Hi, I've just finished watching your documentary, it was so inspiring. I loved it, cancer can definitely teach and you have showed me how that is possible. Thank you and congratulations!

Laura Tucker said...

I watched Crazy Sexy Cancer tonight on TLC. I am not a cancer survivor, but have had to survive losing my best friend to cancer. Watching tonight gave me an incredible gift - the opportunity to witness your spirit and see that there is an alternative outcome. Your positive energy is inspiring and although I can't explain it quite yet, you have helped me on my journey.
Thank you!

ZukiCougar said...

Hi Kris, I saw you on Oprah on Monday & I saw your film tonight. Wow! You are a true inspiration, not for fighting cancer but for the zeolous way you have decided to live your life. I can only hope that one day I will have your strength (no I do not have cancer but I do have Lupus). I feel a better person just for having seen that documentary. THANK YOU! (and I look forward to the DVD)

ZukiCougar said...

Hi Kris, I saw you on Oprah on Monday & I saw your film tonight. Wow! You are a true inspiration, not for fighting cancer but for the zeolous way you have decided to live your life. I can only hope that one day I will have your strength (no I do not have cancer but I do have Lupus). I feel a better person just for having seen that documentary. THANK YOU! (and I look forward to the DVD)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kris,
I just saw your doc on TLC and loved it. I am a 17-year survivor, and it is the only thing that really nailed the whole experience for me.

I wish you were around when I was having surgery, tests, tests, surgery, tests, etc. Everyone was very nice, but I would have liked to say "Fuck Cancer," once in a while, ya know?

As Dorothy Parker famously said, you might as well live. There's not much we can do about any of it so we might as well live. When I understood that, I knew I was a survivor and not a patient anymore.

Thanks for being yourself and for making me laugh. Best of you luck to you and much happiness with your adorable husband and family and friends. And tell Jackie she is my hero too!

richardsnewsong said...

Hey Kris!

Small world - Tuesday was my last day in Seattle WA - completing a stem cell transplant for multiple myeloma - and I saw the part of Oprah on Monday about Randy (missed you) but stumbled on your TLC program tonight - my first day home in 1 1/2 months. Obviously, many of the stories in your program hit very close to home for this guy. You are an awesome inspiration - you did so many things that I only pondered over the last year since my diagnosis on 12/6/06 but today is the first day of the rest of my life and I have a reprieve from therapy for a brief season (or maybe longer?) and hope to make some meaningful changes to my life that will make each day I have richer and peaceable. Best to not ramble on but again, accept my thanks for your wonderful work to focus and inspire us - also congrats on your newlywed story..hopeless romantic that I a story with a happy ending...Richard

Pelican Bay Publishing said...

Kris, I have been watching you on TLC and I had to see if I could find you on the internet! I love your attitude, personality, and scence of humor. Kris, DO NOT be lonely, there are a lot of people who would love your company...I am one of those people! I live in Washington State but I would go to New York just to take you out on one date! My Mother has stomach cancer. After the surgeon opened up her stomach, he closed her up and told her she has only 4 months left That was 8 to 9 months ago! Mom goes to Seattle for treatment once a week. Mom's cancer levels have went from 2700 down to 800 and she is feeling great! Oh...she is 70 years old! Kris, if you like you can email me at
Have a great day!

Me said...

I was flipping through the channels last night and your documentary caught my attention. I loved it- your humor, your honesty, the other strong women who were battling this disease. Even my husband got caught up in what I was watching (and TLC had you competing against game 1 of the World Series!)
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story. I was very moved.

LPom said...

I just want to say thank you SO much for sharing your story with all of us. You made me realize to appreciate everyone and everything in my life, I gave my kids an extra kiss goodnight last night after watching the show. You are truly inspirational. I wish you all the happiness and health in the world.
Lisa (Montreal, QC, Canada)

SarahEve said...

Hi Kris,
I have to say that I loved your story on TLC last night. Thank you for sharing your courage, your pain, your ups and downs with us last night. I was so moved that it brought me to tears and I just could not stop hugging my two dogs and crying (with sadness and happiness) into their little heads. I am not battling cancer or any life threatening illness, but your program helped me realize the negative emotional path I am currently heading towards or could very much may be on right now. You seriously woke me up! Life is a gift and we have to cherish every single moment. Please keep posting blogs and spreading your good words of wisdom. Best of luck to you!
:0) Sarah

Chaika said...

Kris, I saw th O show, and was very inspired. Then the TLC movie last night. After being assaulted three years ago, I haven't been myself. You'd think just surviving it would have given me a new lease on life. But it didn't. I've been stuck in depression and anxiety, lost everyone important in my life cuz I'm such a B. Watching you juicing with Dr. Oz, reminded me of who I used to be. Bubbly, Happy, Curious, and although sometimes sad, mostly tried to be UP. Thank you for being so inspiring.I had completely forgotten that I used to be that way. Thank you for being so inspiring. No, I don't have cancer, but looking back, this depression has been my disease, and I think it was killing me. You are an amazing woman!!!!

Becky said...

I want that shirt! My oncologist would blush so much it'd make me laugh my head off!!!! And forget about the oncology nurses. They'd all order them too!

susie said...

i saw you on oprah and then watched your documentary last nite. my best friend, mentor, next door neighbor and mother-in-law died (while i was holding her hand),last summer of stage 4 breast cancer after the intial diagnosis 20 years earlier. she was in denial most of the time but i was so moved by your attitude about life. everyday i miss her spark to my life, but now i learned something from you. we all need to appreciate our loved ones everyday. starting today!! somehow my mourning for her and watching your movie has given me strength to take her death to make my life more meaningful now. thank you. i wish you many years of love, laughter, and health.

Dawn Rockas said...

Hi Kris,

A fellow brooklynite here!
Caught your documentary last night!
I am not a survivor, but had a scare in 2005.
Your film was inspiring and left an indelable mark.
Rock on sista!

DY said...

Kristina K
I am a fellow CCL does suck hard. I have a 6 yo daughter and a 16 yo step daughter so I have loads to live for. Try the PH miracle by Dr Young, the Healer Within by Roger Jahnke and Getting Well Againn by Simontens (sp). These are my holy trinity and lots of veggies.
Imagine your 100th birthday cake, blow out that candle and out run your now elderly kids.. thats my dream! loove deb

Got Inclusion? said...

Hey Kris...Thanks for the great book and movie!! You continue to inspire me!!

Ze O said...

Kris! Soulsister!

I watched your documentary last night. What an inspiration!

I have no health troubles I'm aware of (never go see the doc, either, tho) but dh was diagnosed with something incurable and nasty at the beginning of the year.

You see - if I were him I'd do EXACTLY what you did. I couldn't help pointing and yelling (he was watching with me, well - he was playing with the kitties - favors man-action-movies LOL): "See?! Look at this!! Wheat grass! Fasting!! Yoga!!!" :D

Well, the man ain't half bad - he is working on it and getting there.
;)We'll pull through, this I'm sure of.

I myself am vegetarian, would love to lay off dairy, interested in meditation and couldn't help but feel like I was looking in the mirror when I saw you hopping across my screen. Same body language, same goofiness, same clothes, ...

I laughed, I cried, I had a strong sense that you'll be ok and big fat sisterly feelings.

Wishing you all the best.


Ze O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Hi Kris
I tested positive for the genetic mutation that causes breast and ovarian cancer (BRCA 2) and had a preventitve mastectomy in May. I am supposed to have an oophorectomy (ovaries out) to prevent ovarian cancer next. For some strange reason I canceled my surgery at the last minute.

Maybe its because I was meant to come accross your story. Maybe I can "get it before it gets me" but without surgery. I don't want to go through menopause that way if I don't have to.

I am Italian (from Brooklyn BTW!). Eating and cooking is like a sport to us. I don't know if I can have the self discipline you do.

But I also don't want to get ovarian cancer.

And by the way, when you said "this looks like whats on the floor of a peep show" (Barium drink) I had one of those cracking-up-when-you-drink-and-the-drink-comes-out-your-nose moments!!!

Ze O said...

Sorry for the double whammy...

I signed up just now, don't know what I'm doing...

vegan_jen said...

kris, I just saw crazy, sexy, cancer last night for the first time. It's amazing. You have such a great attitude and I firmly believe that's what you need to deal with something like this.
You're extremely inspiring to so many people (myself included).
I'm so glad to have seen your documentary, it was truly an eye opener! Keep on kickin ass!

Chef Brett said...

Wow! I was very moved by your show i stumbled accross last night channel surfing. I am a Chef and my first project will be to find my darn juicer that is collecting dust in my restaurant.
I have some nice Baby Spinach and Mache chillen in my cooler.
You need help with some recipes let me know. Thank you for a new outlook on life

Kiki said...

Oh yeah, recipes.
Kris, I was thrilled to watch CSC last night, I had seen the latter half in September or August but after seeing you on O and getting a little more about you and your journey in the interview it was like watching it for the first time.
I've gotten in tune with some of my own stuff in the last few years but I'm inspired again by you and your adventure.
What I'm most excited to borrow is around the foods I put in my body, I started over the summer with removing coffee (for the most part) from my diet, and greatly reducing my intake of processed foods.
I'm also really excited to explore some of the new things you bring up including the body's PH levels.
The thought of NOT having a headache every waking moment is absolutely thrilling!

ANGinUSA said...

I'm not gonna lie: I wasn't planning to watch CSC on TLC last night and I just started watching because Sex and the City rerun was late on the other channel... now I am so happy that Carrie was late so I could enjoy your documentary. I am pregnant and worried about how I am going to take care of my 2 years old daughter when baby number two arrives. You know what? Screw my worries! Seeing Melissa going to the hospital and leaving her son behind with her mom made me realize that sometimes we're so selfish and insecure. Now I am thinking about "how if I were in her shoes?" - and this is a real deal.
Thanks for a wonderful journey!
Fuck Cancer!

LobotoME said...

hi kris!

your book is on the top 100 on amazon - Congrats!

have an awesome day,

jenny :)

Emily said...

Congrats on your film, your wedding, and your life! It's incredible: happiness and well being are things we have to choose, and cancer or no, all of us have a limited time here. So let's sieze each day and do things that make us happy, enjoy the people we love, and take care of our bodies so we can enjoy the next day, too. Much love and cello for you! Emily

Apollonas said...

Dear Kris,

That was a great show! You are a superwoman. I am amazed by your self discipline and determination. I wish you the best.


SMilam said...

OH MY GOSH...what a fabulous show last night! I first heard about you on Oprah and was totally inspired...then I saw your show last night on TLC, and made me wish that someday I could be as strong as you! YOU ROCK GIRL!!! Keep up the positive attitude and the great work!!

Anonymous said...

Loved your documentary! Reminded me of my self.. when I did the exact same search to save my health. I too had lumps. My story is posted at:
I wanted to ask you.. How much wheat grass should be consumed daily for max benefits?? Thanks bunches!!

Kim Worthington said...

GREAT photos! I'm no "techie", but I've found wonderful & simple assistance blogging through the book "Publishing a Blog With Blogger" (A Visual QuickProject book). If you weren't already aware of it, I think you'd have a BLAST with it! Peace :)

CMLcrazysexy said...

although i'm in "remission" i still say i have canXer. i've got too much pride to ever forget about the disease that changed my teenage years. I'm 17, and eager to enjoy my last years as a teen, and i'll have canXer in the back of my head to remind me to keep dreaming big.

here's to today, here's to forver, and to your kris -- for putting sexy on the face of the c-word.

thanks for your courage

Hey Gorgeous! Boutique said...

what is the doctors name in san diego you spoke to regarding diet? thank you.

Hey Gorgeous! Boutique said...

what is doctors info that spoke to you about diet in san diego? thank you. valerie

Jen said...

I love that I found you on blogger! I watched O, and then your doc last night on TLC... I cried and laughed, felt sadness, grief, then felt admiration and happiness, gratification and love... so many things, I can't even describe. You film was so well done Kris, you are an incredible woman ~ so thanks for sharing your story with the world. I am excited to find you here and learn more of your wonderful journey.

Jen said...

I forgot to mention a big important reason why I am drawn to you... I don't have cancer. But I have secondary infertility (going on 2 years) and watching your film brought me to my knees with the ways in which my infertility drives my life, takes over and brings me down; keeps me from living my life FULLY and especially when you talked about how hard it is to be in the fire all the time ... I feel like that too, its so exhausting... because its all in your mind right? anyways, just thanks.

Becka Robinson said...

Oh it was so good! I recorded it and watched it twice already. Thanks for sharing your story! I'm becomming quickly addicted to your blog. :)

Lass said...

By some freak chance, I flipped to TLC last night and caught your documentary. I'm so glad I did!! I'm a little bummed to find out the film won't be re-aired (I missed about the first 10 minutes of the film).

Thanks for being brave enough to show the world your fight!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kris,
I was reading your book in the waiting room of my Oncologist's office to keep sane. Turns out I got good spots on my lungs stayed stable..I get to finish out my first semester of my sophomore yr. of college with no treatment. Praying for stability for the next couple months! I have Sarcoma too! Thanks for helping to keep me sane.

Jamie said...

Kris - can I ask what your budget is for food each month? Or an approximation? I know where I live organic food is hard to come by and quite expensive!

shine said...

We here in Southern California missed your Oprah episode. Any chance you can stream it on your website? Oprah only streams the professor's lecture. We would love the whole episode!
You were destined to be a star! Bravo! I wish you were still an actress. (How we would rather see YOU as "Carrie Bradshaw".) Keep auditioning when you can...if you want.
Your docu is wonderful and your friends and family inspiring!
We shine on!!

Shamyra said...

Hi Kris, I watched your documentary last night and just wanted to say thank you for doing it. Now, people have an idea on what we go through. I myself have stage iv breast cancer(found out Jan 07 when I was 28 and my daughter was only 10months old) I'm 29 now, but feel so much older.
I'm having such a hard time with this and don't really know how to deal. My daughter and husband are my life and they keep me going, but there are some days( alot of days) when everything is just so gray.Everytime I hope for the best, I get more bad news.
I guess my question is, how do you do it, stay so positive with everything you have gone through??? I really admire how you are dealing with this. I wish you all the best

M said...

Dear Kris,

A few weeks ago my father was diagnosed with stage IV cancer that so far the doctors can't pin-point a primary site - he also never had any symptoms and had regular check-ups (nice, huh?!). He is a man who does everything for his family, who gives money to those in need and has inspired me my entire life. I saw the Oprah commercial but didn't watch b/c I didn't think I could handle it.

Last night I was feeling very down. I flipped to TLC and there you were - a beautiful, young, witty, and smart woman living with cancer. I watched the entire 2 hrs in awe, laughing with you and crying with you. Fuck Cancer. It's such a greedy little bitch to be turning people's lives upside down. Your story taught me that a positive attitude is best - to strive for a miracle, and to live life NOW, b/c there are no guarantees.

You website is wonderful. I checked out your booklist and I'm going to order some. I wish you the best of health and all the happiness in the world. May we all get our miracles.

Emily in Toronto

Kiki said...

Farmer's Markets!!!

For everyone who is concerned about the price of organic produce, try to check out your local former's markets.
They're an amazing source of fresh and healthy produce (they're also a great way to support local agriculture)!
You can also grow a lot of your own veggies and greens. If you don't have space you can look for community gardens which are all over the place.
Urban agriculture's where it's at, what better way to ensure your produce is grown naturally?

marilyn said...

it's no coincidence i've watched you on Oprah winfrey's show and last night I watched you on TLC-amazing .Perhaps i have something to learn from you and maybe there is something you can learn from me. It's amazing that you've tried so many things why not try Jesus for he is love, peace,light-salvation from slavery to sin=ugliness).
I recently started practicing the prayer of the rosary-its a summary of sections of the holy bible and you meditate on each mystery there are so many benefits and blessings.
One of the promises is that those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces and will share in the merits of the blessed. Jesus is truth-and there is nothing crooked in him. you may eat so healthy and we will still die someday. so be prepared with your soul because we don't know the time or the day.

Benjamin Rubenstein said...

The song at the end of your trailer sounds extremely similar to Eagle-Eye Cherry, you should check him out. The CD of his that I own is Desireless, hit single "Save Tonight" from 1998.

...apparently I'm head PR for Eagle-Eye Cherry, he just doesn't know it and I don't get paid. Excellent trailer, by the way. It blew me away when I saw it several months ago.

Kathy said...


Love the shirt. As I was posting on my own blog I was thinking of you. This is breast cancer awareness month and I just wanted to share well wishes to everyone. I think we need a cancer awareness month - no matter what cancer. I lost my dad to lung ca. I think in one form or another we are all touched by this ca. and we need to raise awareness. What do you think?

Kathy in New Milford, CT

Mandy said...

Thank you for your inspiration. I just finished your book and loved it (although I was diagnosed with lung cancer at 50, not as young as you and your posse). I still was able to relate to a lot of the same things and I am very interested in your diet and healthful living style. I really need to turn my life style around!


Obsessedwithlife said...

Just saying hi!


Sue said...

dude, there i was feeling sorry for myself, for various non-health related reasons, when i happened upon yr doc yesterday on teh felt like an ass after watching what you've been i had to hunt you down...i never thought i would laugh so hard watching someone struggle with cancer...yr the bestest! be well peep!

Jimsjoint said...

you are a great role model. poster child for the war on cancer. wheat grass all around!

We saw 'crazy sexy cancer' at a time when we needed it most. after our diagnosis but before treatment, in that limbo of fear, uncertianty and....FEAR! Watching how you deal with your cancer gave us a sense of direction on how we would handle our fight. my wife has (HAD) invasive breast cancer. after double mastectomy and reconstruction we are doing chemo now. glad that you are blogging. a great way to "put it all out there" in real time! we blog too. visit our family site at

bav said...

Ok, this might be a bit off topic, but Kris, I am wondering if in all your research have you learned anything about beauty products? I am working diligently to keep my insides alkaline, and it occurred to me, am I slathering on acidic skin products? The skin being the largest organ, I would think that could potentially be a problem. Toughts?


One Mother with Cancer said...

I watched Oprah this past Monday, and was so excited for you.

I took my 17 yr old daughter for an ultra sound of her breast yesterday, and they said it is not a cyst, she does have a tumor. Have you heard of someone that young being diagnosed with Breast Cancer? Anyways I have to schedule an appointment with a surgeon.

Your show may have saved her life.

Thanks again.

Jamie said...

Bav - I was thinking of asking Kris the same thing (re: face/beauty/body type products). Ya know, we should have some place to organize a list of questions so that she doesn't get repeats and has an easy way to answer :) I can't imagine having to go through everything here and pick out the questions.
We could have someone collect questions and then send her a list or something? Just a thought...if anyone thinks it's a good idea I'd be willing to help out.

Linda said...

Bav & Jaime -
I can't speak for Kris, but I've been trying to avoid harmful skin products/shampoos/soaps for a while now. I've tried lots of products here and there, looking for ones that contain mostly natural ingredients, little or no parabens or sulfates and have the best quality. My favorites so far are Burt's Bees Skin Lotions (there's an aloe one, buttermilk/honey one and a carrot one...ranked best to worst in that order! lol), Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner (the shampoo is good too, but I find that I can only use it for 2 days max then something hair starts to seem too oily...conditioner is awesome!), and Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap (makes you feel all tingly & fresh!) I'm at a loss for make-up...hard to find at an affordable price!

I can't wait for the forum'll be fun to trade ideas!!

Seriously Kris, you've really started something wonderful here!

bav said...

Thanks, Linda!!!


Anonymous said...

YOU are soo awesome!! Thank you thank you thank you! Have you tried anything with Ayurvedic medicine?? I love Ayureveda and was just wondering! Tootles!

rubyru said...


Im so happy i FINALLY got to see the documentary, even after reading the book, twice, i was eager to see the docu!!
You have really inspired me and my husband! He was diagnosed last year with a rare cancer (GIST)at such a young age like yourself, (28). We've had a "crazy year" but thanks to the wonderful drug Gleevec, we're in good hands. You have helped us in SOOOO many ways it's unbelievable, and you should be so proud! We are so inspired by you and can relate in so many ways, which makes things seem ok, and that "canSer" isn't going to take over. Thank you very much Kris! We need more people like you in the world! You're awesome hun!

Ruby and Jesse Watson
Seattle, Wa